Friday, June 5, 2009

FREE People Search Lookup Tool "Who is calling your Family?"

FREE People Search Lookup Tool <== Find out once and for all

Hi everyone.. I want to thank all of you hard working folks out there for taking your time to check out my site. Before I go into what I have been working on, I wanted to share a "People Search" tool that I am sure most of you have seen many times before. However as I become more familiar with RSS and it's many benefits, it occurred to me that you may not have a "People Search" handy. Therefore wanted to provide one that you could have at your fingertips.. if needed.

FREE People Search Lookup Tool <== Find out once and for all

You see.. I recently dedicated myself to a week of learning RSS once and for all. I don't know about you guys and gals but in the past I have a tendency to shy away from things I don't understand, such as RSS. It just seemed so overwhelming and to be honest I flat didn't want to put in the hard work and time it would take to learn it. However I kept reading over and over about the many benefits of RSS. Just real quick, one of the things I really like about RSS (as a subsciber) is you can go to one place and get updates on numerous sites, without the need to bounce back and forth to all of them. In addition to that you get updates "real time", as they occur.

Please click here to subscribe to my blog

Very cool. So anyway I am still learning so please bear with me if something looks a bit "out of whack".

I am hoping if you haven't tackled RSS yet.. that this article will inspire you to do so. Because if I can understand what little I know now, believe me.. anyone can do it.

Thanks again,
