Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sex Offenders - (satire)

Sex Offenders

Posted on: 12/30/2010 12:27:44 AM

Read: 54

More than a third of sex crimes against juveniles are committed by juveniles, according to new research commissioned by the Justice Department. Juveniles are 36% of all sex offenders who victimize children. Seven out of eight are at least 12 years old, and 93% are boys. The report comes as states toughen penalties for adult sex offenders and wrestle with a decission on how to handle juvenile offenders. What happens in lives of these children that turn them into little monsters? Were they abused themselves? Exposed to others being abused? A genetic defect? Or chemical imbalance? Too much TV or questionable music? Those are questions that I can not answer, but ones that NEED to be answered so we can understand this epidemic and fight it.

Contemporary cognitive behavioral treatment helps offenders learn to control their behavior. By recognizing and changing the thoughts that rationalize and justify sexually abusive behavior, sex offenders can become more aware of the harm caused to victims and view their own behavior differently. It is my opinion that a leopard can't change its spots, and neither can sex offenders. There are certain individuals who believe that the Sex Offender Registry is an unfair punishment and that offenders should not be stigmatized for the rest of their lives. It is estimated that whereas treatment of sex offenders costs about $5,000 per year, incarceration costs more than $20,000 per year per offender. As a tax payer, I am not comfortable with those numbers. How much does a bullet to the brain cost? Or a needle in the arm? Or to hang a rope from a tree?

There is a special circle of Dante's Hell for sex offenders. The 7th Circle is saved for crimes of violence. Anyone who can find a child sexually attractive deserves to be put to death. Allowing those sorts of "people" to continue to exist, to breathe our air, and walk our streets is a crime in itself. These individuals are not people. They are monsters. Monsters who should be exterminated. There is no room in society for monsters.

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Source: "Sex Offender Registry" via Glen in Google Reader

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